
Welcome to the Careers Department

At The Holy Family Catholic School we are committed to delivering a valuable careers programme to all our students as soon as they begin their Secondary education. Our annual whole school Careers Fair has been attended by a wide range of providers and brings together students, parents and Governors to provide a comprehensive and exciting opportunity to research future pathways. This is enhanced by a number of STEM events, encounters with employers and encounters with further/higher education institutions for different year groups which are held throughout the year.


The Careers Team

Mrs Lucy Oldroyd (Assistant Headteacher) –

Vacancy (CEIAG coordinator)

Governor link – Ms Sarah Wood Ripley

LEP Advisor – Jonathan Hopwood-Lewis

Next review: Polices currently under review

The Holy Family Catholic school careers programme aims to provide all students with regular access to employers, expert guidance and workplace experiences to support students in making informed and educated decisions about their next steps. The careers programme is an integral element of the curriculum and careers information is interleaved with subject specific content.

Our commitment to careers provision extends beyond the legal minimum entitlement for students and is underpinned by the Gatsby framework with a commitment to meeting all eight benchmarks.

The intended outcomes of the careers programme include, but are not limited to:

  • Students will undertake various work related experiences
  • Students will reflect upon and refine their aspirations
  • Students will increase their knowledge of education, training and career opportunities
  • Students will develop a career plan to help them achieve their sentence and realise their potential


Information for employers

We are always looking to invite employers from different sectors to come in and work with our young people. If you are interested in hearing more about the opportunities that you could get involved in, please get in touch at