
Catholic Life of the School

The school has a very active and focused Chaplaincy team who meet regularly during the academic year to plan and review the liturgical season of the Church Year. This team consists of:

Headteacher – Ms. S Mather

As the Head of our school, Ms. Mather is the Faith Leader of the school. She models a Christ filled life working with all staff and students, whilst also supporting the work of the Chaplaincy team.

Lay Chaplain – Mr. A Hill

Mr. Hill is responsible for the composition of prayers, liturgies, assemblies, and the organisation of school Catholic Life events as well as offering a safe space in school for students to explore their faith. Mr Hill demonstrates an example of a Christ filled life and supports all staff and students.

Faculty Leader Religious Education

The Faculty Leader of Religious Education ensures that the school’s Catholic Ethos is visible and shared as part of the Religious Education curriculum.

Priest Chaplain – Fr Tony Rosso

The school is supported by Fr Tony Rosso, who is the Parish Priest of St Jospeh’s, Keighley and Our Lady of Lourdes, Haworth.

Fr Tony supports the Catholic Life of the school by celebrating Mass and providing reconciliation opportunities for students during Advent and Lent.

Mission and Virtues

Awakening Minds

Our faith, the teachings of Christ, is at our heart. We devote ourselves fully to our spiritual growth, striving for excellence in all that we do each day.

Achieving Dreams

Our work blends inspirational teaching and confident study in a stimulating environment. We learn wholeheartedly, turning our ambitions into reality with every opportunity.

Serving Others

Our spirit leads us to take a positive role in our community. We show love, care and respect for one another and for everyone in our world today.

House / Form System

House / Form System

On arrival at The Holy Family Catholic School, each student is placed into one of six houses. These houses represent their form groups for the whole of their time at school. Each Form and House are represented by a Saint. These Saints are examples for us providing an example of on how to love and serve others. Although they are seen as holy people for their lives on earth, they are the same as each one of us. They made mistakes, but they also tried to live a life like Jesus; they lived out the Virtues and put others before themselves.

Saint Anne – The mother of Mary, wife of Joachim and the maternal grandmother of Jesus.

Saint Elizabeth – Mary’s cousin and the mother to John the Baptist.

Saint Joseph – Joseph is regarded as the patron saint of workers and is associated with various feast days. The month of March is dedicated to Saint Joseph.

Saint Mary – Mary was a first-century Jewish woman of Nazareth, the wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus. She is a central figure of Christianity, venerated under various titles such as Virgin or Queen, many of them mentioned in the Litany of Loreto.

Saint Peter – One of The Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ and one of the first leaders of the Early Christian Church. He appears repeatedly and prominently in all four New Testament Gospels, as well as the Acts of the Apostles.

Saint Stephen – Traditionally venerated as the protomartyr or first martyr of Christianity. According to the Acts of the Apostles, he was a deacon in the Early Church at Jerusalem.


Prayer is the corner stones of the school’s daily routine. Prayer is shared in Form Groups every morning and also as collective worship as part of weekly Year Group assemblies. Larger shared liturgies are often filmed and shared online or celebrated in person, and Mass is celebrated in school on major feast days.

The School Prayer

God our Father,
You created us
And through your Son, Jesus,
Made us members of your holy family,
The Church.

Fill us with the gift of your Holy Spirit,
that we may have the strength to care for one another
and the courage to lead our lives
following the example of your Son.

Mary, Mother of God, keep us from harm.
Joseph, patron of all workers,
Help us to develop our talents
to the best of our ability.


Year 7

All Year 7 students visit Trinity University, Horsforth for an Away Day in September.

Students participate in a variety of workshops which include getting to know you, prayer and spirituality, Cafod, a drama workshop on friendship.  They are also given a tour of the campus.

The Religious Education Department, Pastoral Team and the School Chaplain work together to run the day as part of Year 7 induction. The day is supported by colleagues from Cafod and our local Catholic university.

Year 10/12 – Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes.

Year 10 and 12 students have the opportunity to join an annual pilgrimage to Lourdes organised by the school in partnership with ‘Massabielle’ in Keighley.